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12-digit office calculator school calculators
Dear Customers, we would like to inform you that from 01.10.2024 (Tuesday) to 04.10.2024 (Friday) our company will be carrying out an inventory of goods.
Orders placed during this time and orders paid for will be processed from Monday 07.10.2024.
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We apologize for the inconvenience.
The12-digit desktop calcul ator is the ideal device for home, work or school. It has a large and easy to read display angled for better reading of the result.
The function keys are made of durable plastic and are large, easy to read and comfortable to use.
? Product code: 01048
? Made of high quality materials
? Large 12-digit display positioned at an angle
? Power supply: solar and 1x AA battery (not supplied)
? Has rubber feet
? Colour: matt black
? Display of decimal point every 3 digits
? Large buttons convenient to use
? Automatic switch-off
? Dimensions: 14.5cm x 12cm x 2.5cm
? Display dimensions: 9.5cm x 1.5cm
? Product is CE certified
? Sum, subtraction, product, quotient, equals sign
? Percentage
? Double zero
? Memory of a grand total
? GT grand total
? Memory: MRC, M-, M+
? Correction function
? MU function
?? Factory new calculator
?? Original packaging
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