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Thermal picnic basket shopping basket
Dear Customers, we would like to inform you that from 01.10.2024 (Tuesday) to 04.10.2024 (Friday) our company will be carrying out an inventory of goods.
Orders placed during this time and orders paid for will be processed from Monday 07.10.2024.
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We apologize for the inconvenience.
The picnicbasket is perfect for summer trips to the seaside, the mountains and a picnic in a city park. It maintains the temperature of drinks, fruit, snacks and other foodstuffs for a long time.
The interior of the basket is lined with thermal foil, which provides excellent insulation for the food inside. The top of the basket is closed with a zip.
The bottom of the basket has been stiffened to provide better stability. It also has 2 hand grips with rubber non-slip protection at the handle area for great carrying comfort. In addition, the handles are foldable.
? Product code: 14195_Z
? High-quality workmanship
? Thermal - keeps food hot for a long time
? Ideal for summer and winter
? Waterproof insulation layer
? Zipped closure
? Ideal for carrying food at low or high temperatures
? Aluminium frame
? Has 2 folding handles with rubber non-slip protection
? Ideal for shopping, picnics, the beach
? Lightweight and handy
? Has a padded bottom
? Takes up little space when folded
? Dimensions: 48cm x 28cm x 22cm
? When folded: 48cm x 28cm x 5cm
? Colour: green with flowers
?? Factory new thermal basket
For wholesale orders for the purchase of full collective cartons or multiples thereof, a 2% discount is applicable